Monday, December 1, 2014

Poetry Slam Meets Play

Octagon by Kristiana ColÓn

TUCSON: 8:30pm Saturday, Dec. 13th @ The Temple Lounge
PHOENIX: 7pm Sunday, Dec. 14th @ Herberger Theater Center, KAX Stage

Winner of ATC's 2014 National Latino Playwriting Award

Against the backdrop of a last-minute poetry slam competition, eight young poets traverse the stage and the tightropes of their braided desires.  With three minutes to sway the judges, they must decide which is more important:  the points or the poetry, free speech or celebrity, all while asking the cost of the spectacle of ripping open our wounds.

Featuring spoken word artists, slam poets, and actors from across Arizona, including Tucson's own Teré Fowler-Chapman, Ezra Letra and Marc David Pinate.